Our Thematic Solutions

If you are interested in megatrends, you may want to explore thematic funds as a potential investment opportunity.

a girl sitting in office

What are thematic funds?

people talking at office

What are thematic funds?

Thematic funds seek to offer investment growth opportunities based on megatrends such as renewable energy, the rise of the internet and personal computing, growing populations, as well as contributing to shaping the future.

Why choose thematic funds?

  1. You can potentially invest in the entire value chain of a theme, without limitation to sectors and regions.
  2. You get to focus on possible winners of tomorrow, by focusing on what we believe are long-term growth opportunities.
  3. You can combine your investment with your personal interests and values, for example, climate change.

Pick from our range of solutions:

Our megatrend solutions cover Environmental, Demographic & Social and Technological trends.

If you are interested in participating in some of the megatrends, we can guide you through the different options.

Here an example of megatrend solutions we tailored with our investment partners, KBI and CPRAM, who are part of the Amundi Group. These solutions, seek to provide potential opportunity for investment growth.

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Discover Amundi's range of Thematic ETF's