Need to aim higher?

We have multi-awarded* income solutions for you.

Trust Amundi, Europe's No 1 asset manager**, with our income solutions designed with your financial goals in mind.

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The basics of income investing

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The basics of income investing

What is income investing?

Income generation has been at the forefront of everyone's needs for a number of years. So what is Income investing? It is when you receive a regular income either weekly, monthly, yearly from your investments.


Why do we need income?

Income can help us put a little more in our wallet and may help us prepare for the future.

The goal is that on a quarterly or monthly basis regular income is generated, and that you maintain your purchasing power and try to match or beat inflation with your investment choices.


Is it right for you?

In the search for income you will need to decide the level of risk you are comfortable with. 


Things to think about on your journey to income investing

In your search for income, you will have different options such as deposits, bonds, income or multi-asset funds. However your options will depend on a number of things:

Our investment solutions offer opportunities, but also involve risks, such as possible price losses, loss of capital or the loss of distributions.

Find the right balance

Woman leaping athletically

Find the right balance

You may want income as part of your pension, or to fund the next generation through college or simply align with your financial goals.

It's about exploring investments that offer income with stability, that are diversified, help maintain your purchasing power and are able to withstand the impact of inflation.

It is up to you which one you choose but its important that you understand the fundamental elements of income investing.

You should get advice from a professional who will guide you on your level of risk as well as your options.


Learn more about Amundi's income solutions
The choice is yours - it is up to you which option you choose

*Multi-awarded income solutions refer to Amundi Funds Emerging Markets Bond, Amundi Funds Income Opportunities and Amundi Funds US Short Term Bond. **No. 1 European asset manager based on global assets under management (AUM) and the main headquarters being based in Europe – Source IPE “Top 500 asset managers” published in June 2024 and based on AUM as at December 2023.

This is a marketing communication about Amundi Funds Asia Income ESG Bond, Amundi Funds Emerging Markets Bond, Amundi Funds Global Equity Income ESG, Amundi Funds Income Opportunities, Amundi Funds US Short Term Bond and Amundi Funds US Bond (collectively, “Funds”), sub-funds of Amundi Funds. Amundi Luxembourg S.A. is the management company and Amundi Singapore Limited (Registration No. 198900774E) the Singapore Representative of the Funds. Amundi Singapore Limited is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

This advertisement is for information purposes only, is not a recommendation, financial analysis or advice, and does not constitute a solicitation, invitation or offer to purchase or sell the Funds in any jurisdiction (including the United States of America or to any U.S. Person) where such offer, solicitation or invitation would be unlawful. Investors should read the Singapore Prospectus and the Product Highlights Sheet of the Funds (collectively, “Offering Documents”) before deciding to invest. The classes of the Funds available for offer are set out in the Offering Documents, which together with the latest annual and semi-annual reports of the Funds, may be obtained, free of charge, from the registered office of the Singapore Representative or Funds’ authorised distributors.

This advertisement does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific person. Past performance and any forecasts made are not indicative of future performance of the Funds. Distributions are not guaranteed unless otherwise stated in the dividend policy for the relevant share class contained in the Offering Documents. Investors should review the relevant dividends disclosure report (if applicable) found on Any opinion or view presented is subject to change without notice. Investments in the Funds carry investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Such activities may not be suitable for everyone. Value of the shares in the Funds and the income accruing to the shares, if any, may fall or rise. Where applicable and contemplated in the Offering Documents, the Funds may invest in financial derivatives as part of its strategy, and a material portion of the returns may be generated from financial derivative strategies. In such scenarios, the Funds will be subject to risks associated with such investments as further detailed in the Offering Documents. Additional risk factors are described in the Offering Documents. You should seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of the Funds, taking into account your specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs before making a commitment to purchase shares in the Funds.

It is the responsibility of investors to read the legal documents in force. Subscriptions in the Funds will only be accepted on the basis of the latest Offering Documents available in English. A summary of information about investors’ rights and collective redress mechanisms and sustainability-related aspects of the Funds can be found in English on the regulatory page at….

Amundi Luxembourg S.A. and its affiliated companies (collectively, “Amundi”) do not accept any liability that may arise from the use of information contained in this advertisement. Amundi does not make any representation on the merits, suitability, expected success, or profitability of investments in the Funds

This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Unless otherwise stated, all information contained in this document is from Amundi Asset Management S.A.S. and is as of 08 May 2024. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. The views expressed regarding market and economic trends are those of the author and not necessarily Amundi Asset Management S.A.S. and are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions, and there can be no assurance that countries, markets or sectors will perform as expected. These views should not be relied upon as investment advice, a security recommendation, or as an indication of trading for any Amundi product. This material does not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security, fund units or services. Investment involves risks, including market, political, liquidity and currency risks. Past performance is not a guarantee or indicative of future results. 

Date of first use: 1 July 2024

Doc ID: 3578999

Marketing Communication