Important Information
Where applicable, the dividend may be distributed out of dividend/interest income and/or capital gains and (in the event that dividend/interest income and/or capital gains are insufficient) out of capital attributable to the relevant share class. Investors should also note that the declaration and/or payment of distributions (whether out of dividend/interest income, capital gains, capital or otherwise) may have the effect of lowering the NAV of the relevant share class.
The net asset value (NAV) price is the value of one unit of the Fund as of the date listed. The NAV does not take into account any sales charges that may apply when units are purchased or redeemed. The information provided does not constitute an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell Shares in the Fund.
The prospectuses and the product highlights sheets for the above Funds are available and may be obtained from the Manager or its authorised distributors. Investors should read the relevant prospectuses and product highlights sheets before deciding to invest in the Funds. All applications for the Funds must be made on application forms accompanying the prospectus.
Past performance and any forecasts made are not indicative of future performance of the Funds. The information is personal and confidential and may not be copied or distributed to anyone or in any jurisdiction that would make such distribution unlawful. The information on this website is intended for general circulation without taking into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular investor. An investor may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser regarding the suitability of any of the Funds, taking into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person in receipt of the recommendation, before making a commitment to purchase units in the Funds. In the event an investor chooses not to do so, the investor should consider whether the Funds are suitable for him. For Funds that make payouts, the payouts are neither guaranteed nor assured unless specifically stated in the prospectus of the relevant fund. The Manager has the sole discretion to determine whether a payout is to be made and the rate and/or frequency of distribution. Some of the information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but has not been independently verified, although Amundi Singapore Limited and its affiliated companies believe it to be fair and not misleading.
As the Fund may invest in financial derivatives as part of the investment strategy, it will be subject to risks associated with such investments. Additional risk factors are described in the prospectus. Investments in the Funds are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Value of the units in the Funds and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise. This information is not intended for citizens or residents of the United States of America or to any «U.S. Person» , as this term is defined in SEC Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and in the Prospectus of the Fund.
Amundi Singapore Limited Company Registration No.: 198900774E This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore